T4E Training


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Blog posts of '2023' 'February'

T4E Launches National Testimonial Campaign
FORT SMITH, AR - 2023 - T4E - Training 4 Engagement launched a national campaign to promote the excitement and continued R & D for the T4E brand. There is no better way to enhance and outperform in the law enforcement training and paintball sport/recreational sectors unless you work directly with the operators using the training and recreational paintball equipment offered.
HEADLINE NEWS: Congress passes the S. 4003 Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022
Congress passed the Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022 to develop and fund police de-escalation training courses for law enforcement departments across the country. The bill was recently approved in December 2022, and will help the Department of Justice (DOJ) create safer means for police to interact with citizens and communicate with local police departments.